Arthurite Group has an established procurement capability and offers Multi-disciplined procurement services including outsourcing, expediting, shipping, and receiving of technical materials, equipment and tools through various locations.

We provide a wide range of fully certified materials including well heads, mechanical equipment (pumps, turbines, engines, compressors, etc.), electrical equipment, instrumentation equipment, taps, valves, pipe line accessories, machines and tools, various bolts, nuts and marine accessories, drilling chemicals, steel materials, (steel sheets, angle irons, steel pipes, etc.), industrial safety equipment, firefighting equipment, environmental cleaning products, automobile spare parts and accessories.


Our capability encompasses general pipeline maintenance, corrosion prevention and corrosion control to ensure a reliable pipe infrastructure. We work with up-date materials such as carbon steel to provide effective cleaning services which includes general cleaning, tank cleaning, painting, sandblasting, tank and pipe coating, insulation, fireproofing and environmental protection.

Discover how we can light up your world with our affordable energy solutions

Discover how we can light up your world with our affordable energy solutions

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